
Bokan-Dotson Ridge:
A Pioneering Rare Earth Element Project

The Bokan-Dotson Ridge project is the subject of an NI 43-101 Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) released in January, 2013

Financially, the project is well-positioned to transition into its construction phase swiftly at the appropriate time. With the necessary development funding in place, the Bokan-Dotson Ridge can be “near shovel ready” in under 30 months. This rapid progression is further bolstered by the State of Alaska’s authorization of a substantial US $145M AIDEA bond financing, specifically earmarked for the project’s infrastructure and construction costs under the SB99(2014) provision.

Bokan Mountain

Bokan Mountain

Bokan Mountain in Alaska is a significant rare earth element (REE) deposit, with Ucore investing extensively in exploration and development, making it the highest grade HREE resource in the US with environmentally-conscious mining plans.